Title of the Storyline: Dawn of a New Era
Name of the Creator(s): Luna
Plot of the storyline:
Celestia is dead. 1000 years ago when she used the Elements of harmony to seal away Nightmare Moon, her life force was weakened and after 1000 years of raising and lowering both the sun and the moon her life force become even weaker. Then she found a young Twilight Sparkle, and she had hope that some day Twilight might take her place as Princess of the Sun. Celestia nurtured the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria to become her replacement. 2 years (or 2 1/2) have passes since Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmory and helped save Luna. 2 wonderful years passed for the sisters to be together again, before Celestia's life force finally ran out. Her last words were "I'm so very proud of you Twilight." In her will Celestia named Twilight as her heir and Princess of the Sun.
Original Characters that will be used (this is for original storylines):
Shadow Sword and any OC ponies that will fit Twilight's new lifestyle.
Anime characters that will be needed (this is for storylines that contain characters from different animes):
We are looking for the Mane 6, Cadence, Luna, Shining(?), Zecora, ect.
Anything else(anything else you’d like to add about your storyline?):
Rainbow Dash and Big Mac have been dating since the Cider festival, and at some point they tell Applejack who gets really mad, (this is optional really but it makes for a fun story). The crystal Kingdom will at some point become part of Equestia by overwhelming popular vote. Spike is mad at Twilight for just going thought with the transfer spell to become her Alicorn self, and they are in the midst of a tiff when the story starts.
The story would start just before the coronation of Twilight, and she would have gone through the transfer of 'power' from Celestia to her, in order to become an Alicorn, She will gain a longer life span and she well grow into the larger Alicorn body that Celestia had and her hair will change too, but that will all come with time.